Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Luke 20:20 - John 5

"And suddenly, the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn down the middle."

I've often wondered what my job would be like if we were still living under the Old Covenant. I guess I'd work at the Temple and have some sort of role in it's maintenance or sacrifices. I'd doubt I'd be High Priest, but I'm guessing I'd be around the Temple.

I have now read three versions of the above passage and I always try to imagine the scene. This curtain kept all the normal people...the sinners out. The sanctuary was only meant for those who were consecrated and made holy.

Once Jesus died this was torn (and it seems that it was with violence and drama) so that all could access God. Jesus is now our High Priest and we are no longer dependent on an earthly go-between.

Yes being a worship minister in the new covenant is likely very different.

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