Sunday, August 8, 2010

Romans 1-14

I read most of Romans today which is crazy to think that I spent an entire semester covering it in college.

When I got to Romans 12 I was reminded of a passage I spent many hours on in a class called Principles of Interpretation. In that class we had a project called an exegitical project where we looked at cultural/literary context, word studies, commentaries, and other sources to try to determine the Author's Intended Meaning or AIM.

The text reads, "I plead with you to give you bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice - the kind he will find acceptable. This truly the way to worship him."

Now any time the Bible says this is how "you truly worship" I want to listen. The funny thing is (and thankful to my interpretation class) it doesn't really say that. It my researched opinion it says this is your "reasonable act of service."

In other words because God has given so much to us it is logical and reasonable to serve him, allowing our bodies and our actions to be a sacrifice. In that class I learned that there are three words translated "worship" in the New Testament. One means "to bow down." This is the most common thought we have when we consider that word. Another is in terms of a "liturgical service." This one is more in the context of "serving."

So when you read it under that light it kind of sounds a little different. I know this has been a long post but my wife and I will be teaching a class on Biblical Interpretation at our church on Wednesday nights. This topic excites me. You should come!

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