Monday, August 16, 2010

My Ninety Days Experience

It has been both a quick and long ninety days. I think I can some up my experience in a few things that I've learned over the past three months:

About Myself
-I need accountability: I'm not sure I would have completed it had I not known people cared about my accomplishment. Big thanks to Justin for venturing on this journey with me as well as all of you (if there are any) readers out there. The assumption that hundreds of readers were waiting on my daily insights often caused me to pull through...even though there were probably like three people who actually read it.
-I need to return to studying more: As I was flying through some of these passages I was intrigued and wanted to gain a better understanding. The two letters to the Corinthians will probably be my next project.

About the Bible
-It really can be hard to read: I'm convinced that our culture is not poised to be able to really study literature. Soundbites, status updates, and headlines have conditioned us to get to the point and forgo any textual research. The Bible was written a long time ago and to understand it better we need to study Biblical culture, geography, and literature. That's one of the reason's my wife and I plan on teaching a class on studying Scripture this fall at South Side! Please come!!

About Worship
So much of worship through Scripture seems to be associated with obedience. Daily we choose to do what God wants us to do or what we want to do. Worship is NOT a list of songs or an hour on Sunday morning. We've got to get away from that narrow concept. In my life I need to be more obedient to God and particularly the Spirit. I'm afraid I often simply don't care to listen to his promptings. I hope to change that.

Finally I'm glad to say that I've accomplished this. I would encourage anyone to aspire to achieve it. If nothing else you will have exposed yourself to all of God's Word and that has to be a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it an awesome feeling! I'm very proud of you for persrvering! Good job. I enjoyed your insights.

    You can officially count me as one of your three readers.
