Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Exodus 29-40

"Aaron saw how excited the people were, so he built and alter in front of the calf."

Once again there were many things that I considered commenting on today, but this verse really smacked me around. As a worship leader how often am I more concerned about the "excitement of people" rather than their obedience of following him.

Ironically this happened while Moses was having a little chat with God about their conduct. They couldn't wait for him to come down off the mountain so they though they'd handle things on their own.

Aaron was their pawn and he played into their pressure nicely. As any leader I'm sure Aaron was eager to gain their approval, but to quote one of my favorite preachers, Mark Scott - "When the church is consumed with the nod of God rather than the applause of people it will be faithful to its calling. The result is that is will always find itself a bit out of step with the culture."

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